
Roar Off

A magnificent gorge allows for some fantastic echo calls. The sound bounces all over the place creating brilliant musical melodies. And who knew the baby Pea-Rexes could create such amazing harmonies? As their melodic calls carry across the tundra, they accidentally initiate a Valley-wide roar-off. The high-decibel roars cause the ledge they're standing on to crumble, and they fall to the ledge just below. The Pea-Rexes are excellent climbers but when Ginger tries to climb up, she slips and falls. The Pea-Rexes refuse to leave her, so they call out to an old friend in the Valley using their vocal harmonies. Suddenly trudging through the treetops below is a humongous Coconutdon. It arrives at the ledge and opens its mouth so Ginger and the Peas hop in and it lowers them down like an elevator.