(Clock ticking)

A young boy with blond hair wears a blue shirt. He plays with toy cars.

The boy says, THIS IS

(Soft music plays)

A title reads, Tik Tak.

The sun rises over a house with a ticking clock. Doors in the house open and sheep exit as the sun sets and the moon rises. The sheep circle in and out of the house under a starry night sky. A cat follows the sheep into the house.

(Cheerful music plays)

Half a kiwi is formed on a wooden paddle. The half kiwi grows into a whole kiwi.

(Clock ticking)

In a mirrors reflection, two young boys with curly hair enjoy a snack as they look at a drawing with a hot air balloon on a wall. One boy wears a dark blue shirt while the other wears a light blue shirt. The boy in the light blue shirt babbles incoherently and points to the hot air balloon as it flies into the drawings sky.

The boy in the dark blue shirt says, LOOK!

He points to the drawing. The boys babble as the hot air balloon continues through the sky in the drawing.

The boy in the light blue shirt says, UH-OH.

The hot air balloon flies off the drawing.

(Cheerful music plays)

A curtain opens to four people in different coloured band uniforms playing tubas. A ball bounces between each tuba player’s tuba as they play. The ball changes colour to match the tuba players uniform before bouncing to the next.

A yellow propeller plane rotates on a table.

(Clock ticking)

A young person with curly blond hair crawls toward the house with the ticking clock. They open the clock and peak inside where gears turn.

(Bright music plays)

Underground, a mole with glasses walks with a cane. They receive a package. The mole nudges the package with their cane. The package twists and flips. The mole jumps back when the package twists again. The package flips over the mole. It opens and a chalkboard flies out.

(Soft music plays)

In dim lighting, a young boy with brown hair wears a white shirt while watching a carousal toy slowly spin. Windows on the toy each have different instruments. Light passes over the windows. A small violin slowly rises out the top of the toy as it slowly comes to a stop with the light on the violin window. The boy points to the toy.

(Violin music plays)

Cube blocks with different coloured sides gather and form a 3 x 3 cube. The individual cubes change positions to reveal a kangaroo.

Between shadow pictures of children, flat wooden geometric pieces connect and create a hat and magic wand.

A pop-up book opens to a wooden chest in a dark attic. The chest opens and the hat flies out. The chest closes and the attic brightens. Lights flicker between the room. A shadow of a child jumps onto a trampoline in the room.

The child puts on the hat. Outlines of shapes fly out of the wooden chest. The child uses the magic wand to put the shapes together and make a cello and bow that lowers to the floor. The child strikes a pose. They play the cello. They pause and wave as the pop-up book closes to reveal the ticking clock under the night sky. The clock stops ticking.

End credits.

ketnet copyright 2020.

Distributed by serious lunch.