B.O.T. and the Beasties

Fizzy Flip

The Fizzy Flip is asleep until sunlight falls on it. The light causes it to fizz up with energy and bounce erratically around. B.O.T. must rush about after the Fizzy Flip as it bounces and flips all over the jungle. It bounces up and down on B.O.T.'s head and, as the action escalates, B.O.T. ends up riding on the back the energetic beastie. The Fizzy Flip eventually runs out of fizz and falls asleep before a beam of sunlight charges it up and it springs off again. Night falls and with no sun to charge up the Fizzy Flip, it falls fast asleep. B.O.T. still needs to collect picture data for the beastie in order to complete the mission. Will the flashes from B.O.T.'s camera wake up the Fizzy Flip?