B.O.T. and the Beasties

Glowy Shiner

B.O.T. lands in Spacey, Glowy World. The nervous Glowy Shiner peeks out of a crater and spots B.O.T. It quickly hides again. B.O.T. searches for the timid Glowy Shiner but keeps accidentally scaring it. Unfortunately for B.O.T., when the Glowy Shiner is startled, it blasts out a bright colourful tail. This dazzles B.O.T., making it tricky to collect the data needed to complete the mission. B.O.T. pretends to be asleep. The Glowy Shiner cautiously investigates the motionless robot. It nuzzles up to B.O.T. and purrs. B.O.T. takes some photos of the Glowy Shiner. It loves the camera flashes and happily shines its tail of rainbow colours. All data is now collected and B.O.T.'s mission is complete.