

When it comes to snoring, Pea-Rexes are amongst the loudest for their size and the baby Peas are no exception. Wasabi's fog-horn-like snoring keeps Ginger wide awake and as soon as she gets him quiet, Minty starts to snore and when Ginger silences Minty, Split starts snoring! Back and forth it goes! Finally, Ginger gets them all quiet but now the baby Pea- Rexes start sleepwalking causing more havoc for poor Ginger who has to run around trying to stop them hitting trees, falling off things and even waking up a group of cucumberdiles. As Ginger finally settles down for a well-earned sleep, the sun rises and the baby Pea-Rexes sit bolt upright, eager, and raring to go, excitedly jumping all over Ginger. Poor Ginger hasn't had a wink of sleep!