(clock ticking)

A toddler plays a ball that lights up.

A title reads "Tik Tak."

An animation shows sheep popping out of a house with a ticking clock as the sun sets and the moon appears.

(music plays)

A cat puzzle builds up.

A yellow origami bird flies.

An animated boy paints a sofa using a cracker as a part of it. Then, he sleeps on it.

A toddler opens the house with a ticking clock and peeps into it.

An animated chameleon sticks its tongue giving colour to a pineapple.

Two animated dolphins play with paper balls.

A pop-up book opens. A girl tries to stop a bird that takes a rake.

She slides down a slide in a tree house. The bird drops the rake and a sandbox builds up. Then, she plays in the sandbox.

The pop-up book closes.