Sunny's Quest


Dante is an 11-year-old boy from Fergus, Ontario. He is a proud Canadian Ugandan who loves football, basketball, and doing flips on his Air Track! We get a tour of Dante's bedroom that is decorated with sports memorabilia and a map of Africa! Dante teaches us how to play the engalabi drum that was taught to him by his grandmother. He then shows us a beautiful traditional Ugandan piece of clothing called the Kanzu, worn by men, and then boogies down doing a traditional Ugandan dance! Feel the beat! After all that dancing, it's time to eat! Dante and his mom show us how to make a Chapati, a Ugandan flatbread. Next, we are off to the park where Dante shows us some cool moves on his Air Track! Then we get to watch Dante and his teammates play some touch football. Go Dante go! Dante will be touched by his inspirational message from two special guests.